Eighth Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    An eighth grade teacher was leading a discussion on the qualifications for being president of the United States. After the teacher commented that a person must be a natural-born citizen, one of the students raised her hand. "Does that mean that if you were born by Caesarean section that you can`t be president?"

    An Australian Received A Letter With A Variation On The Usual Return Adress Theme: "If Not Delivered Within Seven Days, Try
    Much Harder On The Eighth "!!

    Bristol Palin, the 18 year old daughter of Sarah Palin, visited the Today Show this morning with her baby son Tripp and her father Todd to promote the Eighth Annual National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.
    Apparently Sarah Palin wanted to be there but she was off promoting the Eighth Annual National Day to Prevent Incompetence.

    Two Sardarjis lived in a multistoreyed building, one on the first floor and the second on the eighth floor. But there was great enmity between the two. Once the Sardarji on the eighth floor tried to fool the Sardarji living on the first floor by calling him for dinner. When the Sardarji reached the eighth floor for dinner he saw that the house of his neighbour was locked and a board was hanging on the door, on which was written: "Kaisa ulloo banaya" (How have I fooled you!) The Sardarji felt embarrassed and turning the board to the other side, wrote: "Main to yahan aayaa -hee nahin tha" (I had never come here)."

    One day a man walks into a bar and asks for seven bottles of vodka and downs them all in two minutes. The bartender asks" whats the special occasion?" The man replies" i just had my first blowjob" " Congragulations, the eighth one is on me" the bartender says. " if the first seven didnt get the taste out of my mouth what makes you think an eighth one will?" the man says

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