Chimmney Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    This one sounds better spoken because of the ryhmes. Try it out loud...
    Santa, making his rounds, is in a house, when he is approached by a attractive young lass...
    "Santa will you stay and play with me?"
    "Ho Ho Ho, I gotta go, got to get these toys to the kids you know." and he disappears up the chimmney.
    In the next house, he is approached by a another attractive young woman, this one has her robe quite open, with a wonderful veiw of her chest.
    "Santa will you stay and play with me?"
    "Ho Ho Ho, I gotta go, got to get these toys to the kids you know." and he disappears up the chimmney.
    In the next house, he is greeted by yet another attraqctive woman, whom is laying fully undressed on a rug in front of the fireplace.
    "Santa will you stay and play with me?"
    "Hey, Hey, Hey, might as well stay, can't get up the chimmney with my dick this way!"

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