Cheep Jokes / Recent Jokes

How do Chinese name their kids? They throw pots and pans down the stairs *Ping, pong, pang* Did you hear about the Chinese girl who won the lottery? She has one fortunate cookie... What do you call a Filipino Contortionist A manila folder. What do you call a Filipino walking a poodle? A Gourmet How do you Filipino The same way you Pakistani. What's the difference between a pot of lobsters and a group of Japanese tourists who've just been run over by a steamroller? There's no difference, they're all crustaceans ("crushed Asians"). What's yellow and goes "cheep, cheep"? A Chinese prostitute. What do you get if you cross a Black whore with a Chinese? A maid that sucks your shirts. What do you get when you cross an Abo with a Chinaman? A car thief who can't drive. What do you call a fat Chinaman? A Chunk. What is the title of the new Vietnamese cookbook 100 Ways to Cook Your Dog What did the mongoloid say to his dog? Down syndrome!! What do a lobster and an Asian run more...

Q: What's yellow and goes "cheep, cheep"?
A: A Chinese prostitute.
Q: What do you get if you cross a Black whore with a Chinese?
A: A maid that sucks your shirts.
Q: What do you get when you cross an Abo with a Chinaman?
A: A car thief who can't drive.
Q: What do you call a fat Chinaman?
A: A Chunk.

First boy: A little bird told me what kind of lawyer your father is.

Second boy: What did he say?

First boy: Cheep! Cheep!

Second boy: Oh yeah. Well, a duck just told me what kind of doctor your father is.