Amtrak Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Your momma is so fat...
    She's got Amtrak written on her leg.

    Yo Mama is so fat she's got Amtrak written on her leg!

    In The News - Edited excerpts from the LA Times
    Includes some late night humor
    WARNING: May be offensive to American Politicians, White House interns, Amtrak, American sports stars, and supermodels.
    Well folks, the rain is on hold for a few days, but... Legislators in Sacramento voted to change the state song from "I Love You California" to Paul Simon's "Slip Slidin' Away".
    President Clinton says he approaches everything Saddam Hussein says with a great degree of skepticism. Pretty much the same way we approach everything Clinton says. (Letterman)
    American forces in the Persian Gulf went back to full alert when Hussein announced he would honor his latest UN inspection agreement as faithfully as Clinton honored his wedding vows.
    Newsweek magazine says Monica Lewensky's resume lists one of her duties at the White House as training the new interns. That's not surprising. If you were Bill Clinton, wouldn't YOU want her to train the new intern? more...

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