"This joke it way to sick to post (X Rated for being so disgusting)" joke

Editor's note: First the warning that came with the joke -- "This is by no means an endorsement on the term' fag'" Now my warning -- this is the most disgusting, perverted joke I've posted to date. And I've posted some nasty ones. Please, don't write. Don't read it if you get offended by not-very-funny sick jokes...


This fag walks into a bar and sits down at the counter and orders a beer. The bartender takes one look at him and says "We don't serve your kind in here. Get the hell out."

The fag says "It's hotter than hell outside and I could really use a cold beer. I'll just sit over in the corner and not bother anyone if you'll just get me one beer."

The bartender says "No, I told you we don't serve your kind in here so get the hell out now."

The fag says "How bout if I take a drink out of this spitoon will you give me a drink?"

"NO, get out before I call the cops." says the bartender.

The fag picks up the spitoon and starts drinking out of it. "That's disgusting put that shit down and get the hell out of here!" the bartender says.

The fag keeps on drinking.

"STOP!!" yells the bartender. "You're grossing out my customers!"

The fag still keeps on drinking.

"FINE, FINE!! Here's your fucking beer, just put that shit down!"

The fag is still drinking.

Finally the fag puts the spitoon down. The bartender says "Why in the hell did you keep drinking out of that spitoon? I gave you you're damn beer."

The fag replies "I couldn't stop, it was all one wad!"

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