Pervert Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    This TRUE STORY from my secretary.
    Last week her mother was getting her usual "do" when her hairdresser relayed a previous-day experience:
    The hairdresser (owner) was getting ready to close up her shop when a man came in and asked if she could give him a "quick cut" before she closed. She agreed, and as she was trimming the guy's hair, he put his hand under the "cape" and the cape started moving. (She became somewhat uncomfortable.)
    Then, the lady got REAL concerned when the man put his OTHER hand under the cape and the cape started moving MORE; she thought she was trimming the hair of a PERVERT. She then panicked, took a hairdryer and smashed the man up-side his head, causing him to black out on the floor.
    The lady hurried and called 911, police came... only to find out that the poor guy was JUST CLEANING HIS GLASSES!

    Q. Why did the pervert cross the road?
    A. Becuase he was stuck to the chicken.

    Confessed killer and creepy pervert, John Mark Karr, may just be a creepy pervert. Authorities are begining to doubt his confession, some have even called it a vain publicity stunt. Questions are begining to surround the case. Questions like, how does a creepy, blue shirt pervert get past the interview for a teaching job? How could he be in Colorado, when his ex-wife, whom he married when she was 16, says he was Alabama. And why do we allow states like Alabama to let 16 year old girls marry creepy, blue shirt perverts.
    Even Jon Ramsey, Jonbenet's father expressed his doubts about Karr. "That's funny", said Ramsey, "I don't remember him being there when I was killing our daughter."

    Subject: Additional Training

    It is now and always has been the policy of this Company to assure its
    employees that they are well trained. Through our Special High Intensity
    Training program (SHIT), we have given our employees more SHIT than any
    other company in the area.

    If any employee feels that he or she could advance to another position by
    taking more SHIT, see your supervisor.

    Our management people are specially trained to assure that you will get all
    the SHIT you can handle.

    Any individual who feels he or she has not received sufficient Special High
    Intensity Training, tell your supervisor, she he can put you at the top of
    the SHIT list.
    What do you call a truck load of vibrators?
    - Toys for twats.

    What is red and has seven dents?
    - Snow White's cherry

    How can you tell Dolly Parton's more...

    Q:Why did the pervert cross the road?
    A:He had his dick stuck in a chicken!

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