Fudge Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Knock Knock
    Who's there!
    Fudge who?
    Fudge up - there's no room!

    One day an Indian, English, and Polish guy all wanted to get blow jobs.
    So they decided to go to a place where they could get what they wanted.
    When they got in they saw that there were three levels: gold, silver and
    So the English guy said, "I think I will take the bronze level. The other
    two guys sat there for about two minutes when the English guy came out.
    He said that was the best blow job he had ever had. The Indian asked him
    what she did that was so special.
    He said she put ice cream on my dick and licked it all off.
    Then the Indian said I think I will take the silver level. Three minutes
    later the Indian come out and said that was the best blow job I've ever
    The other two guys asked what she did. He said she put ice cream, hot
    fudge and caramel on my dick and licked it all off.
    The Polish guy was amazed at what she did to the Indian so he decided to
    take the gold room.
    Five minutes later he came more...

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