Waterborne Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    (Original. Inspired by Rush Limbaugh's 'Environmentalist Wacko Football
    The Tree-Hugger's Guide to the NFL
    Sure, football is a violence-glorifying testosterone orgy that should be
    banned. But that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy it when you're not
    out spiking trees or protesting your local gas station as a pollution-
    mongering crime against the Earth. But when you're watching 22 steroid-
    chomping overmuscled monsters (i.e, men) try to beat each other senseless
    in a series of imperialist land grabs, how do you know who to cheer for?
    We have the answer: Ranking the entire NFL in terms of What We Know Is
    Our General Principles:
    Any animal is better than any human.
    Endangered animals are better than non-endangered animals.
    Native Americans are better than other oppressed/discriminated
    minorities are better than any other human.
    Humans guilty of crimes against other humans are better than more...

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