Violinist Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Two drummers and a violinist decide to form a band. The three of them start playing, and the sound is just awful. One drummer turns to the other and says, "We sound terrible. I don't think this is going to work. Let's get rid of the violinist."

    This trumpet player was on the phone with his agent. He was concerned that he didn't have a gig in a while. His agent tells him; "Listen, there aren't any gigs out there, but I found you something. I got you a gig bagging lions."

    To which the trumpet player says, "What does that have to do with my playing. The agent then says "Look, the gig pays 100. 00 for each lion that you bag, don't worry about playing"

    . At this point the trumpet player will take anything so he hangs up and flies to Africa. Not wanting to miss any practice time he takes his trumpet with him while looking for the lions. He notices a lion coming toward him and the only thing that he could think of doing is more...

    Q: How can you tell if a violin is out of tune? A: The bow is moving. Q: How do you make a violin sound like a viola? A: Sit in the back and don't play. Q: How do you make a violin sound like a viola? A: Play in the low register with a lot of wrong notes. Q: What is the difference between a violin and a viola? A: A viola burns longer. Q: Why does a viola burn longer than a violin? A: It is usually still in the case. Q: What do a viola and a lawsuit have in common? A: Everyone is happy when the case is closed. Q: Which is smaller, a violin or a viola? A: They are actually the same size, but a violinist's head is so much bigger. Q: Why is a violinist like a Scud missile? A: Both are offensive and inaccurate. Q: How do you keep your violin from getting stolen? A: Put it in a viola case. Q: What is the difference between a violist and a terrorist? A: Terrorists have sympathizers. Q: Why don't violists play hide and seek? A: Because no one will look for them. Q: Why shouldn't violists take more...

    string quartet: a good violinist, a bad violinist, an ex-violinist, and someone who hates violinists, all getting together to complain about composers.
    detaché: an indication that the trombones are to play with their slides removed.
    glissando: a technique adopted by string players for difficult runs.
    subito piano: indicates an opportunity for some obscure orchestra player to become a soloist.
    risoluto: indicates to orchestras that they are to stubbornly maintain the correct tempo no matter what the conductor tries to do.
    senza sordino: a term used to remind the player that he forgot to put his mute on a few measures back.
    preparatory beat: a threat made to singers, i. e., sing, or else....
    crescendo: a reminder to the performer that he has been playing too loudly.
    conductor: a musician who is adept at following many people at the same time.
    clef: something to jump from before the viola solo.

    Why is a violinist like a Scud missile?
    Both are offensive and inaccurate.

    Jacques Thibault, the violinist, was once handed an autograph book by a fan while in the greenroom after a concert. "There's not much room on this page," he said. "What shall I write?" Another violinist, standing by, offered the following helpful hint: "Write your repertoire."

    "Haven't I seen your face before?" a judge demanded, looking down at the defendant. "You have, Your Honor," the man answered hopefully. "I gave your son violin lessons last winter." "Ah, yes," recalled the judge. "Twenty years

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