Vegetarian Jokes / Recent Jokes

What do you call a vegetarian with diahrrea? A salad shooter.

Q. Why did the tomato blush? A. Because he saw the salad, dressing.

Q. What did one vegetarian spy say to the other vegetarian spy? A. We have to stop meating like this.

Q. What`s the best way to keep milk fresh? A. Leave it in the cow.

I bought my sister "Chicken Soup for the Vegan Soul." She's not a vegan, but she loves irony..

Vegetarian: Indian word for "lousy hunter."

An Illinois high school senior was arrested on charges that he ejaculated into a a bottle of ranch dressing in the school cafeteria.

School officials are checking with lawyers to see if they need to change the labels on the bottles which say Newman's Own.
Police charged the student, Marco Raphael Castro, with misdemeanor counts of disorderly conduct and attempted aggravated battery.

Castro was in even bigger trouble when he got home that evening and found out his mom had discovered the back issues of Vegetarian Times hidden in his dresser.