John Kerry Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Senator and Presidential hopeful John Kerry, got in trouble for a speech he made at a College.
    What he meant to say, "If you are uneducated and didn't do well in school and only made it through college because your Daddy helped you, then you too can run a country.

    I am so mad at John Kerry right now I can hardly see straight. With one badly told, overly-complicated, incredibly lame joke he has single-handedly turned our nation's finest hour into a complete and utter disaster.
    From the original virtuous motives for going to war, to the meticulous collection of first-rate intelligence, to the ingenious planning and flawless execution of both the combat and exit strategies, to the humble, honest assessments of the advancements and setbacks, Operation Enduring Freedom has proven to be the most brilliant political and economic undertaking the United States has ever, or will ever, attempt. Our nation had never been richer, and terrorism on a global scale had been reduced to a trickle. We had truly won.
    Then Senator John Kerry opens his mouth and ruins everything. Suddenly, we're facing over $8 trillion in national debt, a government that labels dissent "un-American" and almost 3,000 US casualties in Iraq. Not to mention a world that more...

    Second daughter Mary Cheney has written a memoir called "Now It's My Turn." In it, she calls John Kerry a "sleazeball" and Jenna Bush "do-able."

    They're consulting with John Kerry to see how his works.

    Okay, so I botched a joke. $ 250 million doesn't buy what it used to.

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