Finishes Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    A tax preparer was helping some customers.
    The first guy comes in and the tax man asks him, "How much money did you make last year?"
    The guy answers, "Oh, about $100,000"
    "Gee, that's good! what do you do"
    "I'm a lawyer for a big corporation, etc"
    So the tax man finishes up with him and the next guy comes in.
    "How much money did you make last year?"
    "I made $150,000 dollars"
    "Oh really? What do you do?"
    "Well, I'm the head doctor at this big hospital..."
    And so the taxman finishes with him.
    The third guy comes in and the taxman asks him,"How much money did you make last year?"
    The guy answers, "Well, last year was a pretty good year, I made about $9,000"
    The tax man asks him, "Oh, really? What instrument do you play?"

    A businessman enters a tevern, sits down at the bar, and orders a double martini on the rocks. After he finishes the drink, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, then he orders the bartneder to preapre another double martini. After he finishes that, he agian peeks inside his shirt pocket and orders the bartender to bring him another double martini. The bartender says, "look, buddy, I'll bring ya' martinits all night long, but, yougotta tel me why you look inside your shirt pocket before you order a refill." The customer replies, "I'm peeking at a photo of my wife. When she starts to look good, I know it's time to go home!!!!!!!!:)

    Source - Some sick demented BMC I used to know...
    A Sailor and a Marine are taking a leak in the head. The Sailor finishes and goes for the door. The Marine finishes and heads for the sink.
    He calls out to the Sailor, "Hey! Aren t you going to wash you hand? In The Corps they taught us to wash up afterwards."
    The Sailor replies, "Well, in the Navy they just told us not to piss on our hands."
    A Marine walks in to the head. A little boy who was on his way out looks at him, smiles, and asks, "Are you a REAL Marine?"
    The Marine replies, "Why yes I am son... Say - you want to wear my hat?"
    The boy replies, "Sure mister!", and put the hat on his head. As the Marine entered a stall the boy placed himself on "guard duty" by the door. Shortly, a Sailor entered the head.
    The little boy again looked up, smiled, and asked, "Are you a REAL Sailor?"
    The Sailor replied, "Why yes I am... You more...

    A man walks into a bar, and as he makes his way to the counter, he stops and talks to everyone in the bar. As he finishes with each group of people, they all get up and leave and go stand outside the window, looking in. Finally, the bar is empty except for this guy and the bartender. The man walks up to the counter, and says to the bartender, "I bet you $1,000 that I can spray beer from my mouth into a shot glass from thirty feet away, and not get any outside the glass."The bartender thinks that this guy is a nutcase, but he wants his $1,000, so he agrees. The bartender gets out a shot glass, paces off thirty feet, and the contest begins. The man sprays beer all over the bar. He doesn't even touch the shot glass. When he finishes, the bartender looks at him and says, "Well, I guess you owe me $1,000, huh?"The man answers, "Yeah, but I bet all of those people outside the window $500 a piece that I could come in here and spray beer all over the bar."

    A senior woman is on a cruise ship and wanders up to the bar and asks for a
    scotch with two drops of water. As the bartender gives her the drink she says,
    "I'm on the cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday and it's today."
    The bartender says "Well, since it's your birthday, I'll buy you a drink.
    In fact, this one is on me."
    As the woman finishes her drink, the woman to her right says, "I would
    like to buy you a drink too."
    The old woman says, "Thank you. Bartender, I want a scotch with two
    drops of water."
    "Coming up," says the bartender.
    As she finishes her drink, the man to her left says, "I would like to buy
    you one too.
    The old women says, "Thank you. Bartender, I would like another scotch with
    two drops of water."
    "Comin' right up," the bartender says. As he gives her the drink he says,
    "Ma'am, I'm dying of curiosity. Why the Scotch with only more...

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